Monday, June 27, 2011


We are definitely in full nesting mode! Thankfully Nathan is willing to accommodate me and help with whatever projects I deem necessary at the time :) 

We started by putting together our Pack n Play last week (Thanks to Uncle Chris and Auntie Mina) This is where Denver will be sleeping, next to my side of the bed for the foreseeable future. I am very relieved we finally figured out where he will be sleeping.

And yesterday we cleaned out our closet completely and made an entire rack and shelf space dedicated to Denver's clothes. I'm glad his clothes will be right next to his bed and changing station. And we decided that the hutch we had, it was a hand me down from his mother, I think its an antique, will be his changing station. We updated it by adding new drawer handles and pulls.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Our family Blog

Im fairly new at this so we'll see how it goes. My goal is to keep up with it at least weekly even after Denver makes his grand entrance. To keep all family and friends informed of our goings on. This weekend we have put together his pack n play, used gift cards at BRU to get a lot of little necessities AND cleaned out our master closet and made an entire shelf and hanging rack available for his things.