I have really enjoyed making Christmas memories with my family this year. Denver is growing up way to fast. He is now in six month clothing. He is 25 1/2 inches long and at least 16lbs. He can now hold his head up well when he is sitting up or laying on his tummy. He is acting like he is six months old because some times he gets so mad when he's laying down he'll grunt and turn red trying to sit himself up. It's pretty funny, unless you're trying to feed him, which he has to still lay down for.
This outfit was a sleeper that cousin Grant wore when he was born :D
Daddy is explaining to Denver how yummy beer is, when you're 21..
Denver can now hold his head up when he's on his tummy. Interesting fact: his feet also have to bee off the ground, probably helps balance the heavyness of his head
Sitting with Yia-Yia while she ate dinner and fell right asleep
Grandpa showing him the pretty Christmas lights
Sissy came and laid next to him on the floor and licked his hands
Grandpa making him smile
This is Denver's attempt to sit up all by himself. He almost gets there and turns all red every time he tries. I think he might be standing before he's crawling...
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